Super Speak Blog

The importance of everyday communication skills for kids

In this fast changing world, the need to focus on being skilled and adept at everyday communication skills has never been greater for children.

In the past 10 years there has been growing concern amongst parents regarding the amount of time children spend on devices & in-front of screens. This will continue to rapidly grow as artificial intelligence takes-off. The gap between those that have great everyday communication skills, and those that don’t, will become more pronounced than ever in the years ahead.

Communication is, and always will be, a core part of human life.

Effective everyday communication allows us to connect with one another, share our thoughts and emotions, and exchange information. Without the ability to communicate effectively, our interactions with the world around us would be greatly limited, and our ability to learn, grow, and thrive would be severely hampered.

After teaching over 65,000 children effective communication skills at Super Speak since 2006, it is clear that it has never been more important & beneficial for children to learn these skills.

So why should you focus on improving your child’s communication skills?

Below are some of the key benefits from improving your everyday communication skills:

1️⃣ INCREASED CONFIDENCE & SOCIAL BENEFITS: One of the most important benefits is that it helps children express themselves & their needs more effectively and become more connected with others. Children who are able to communicate well are better able to convey their thoughts and feelings to others, which can help them feel heard & understood. This leads to stronger, more positive relationships with peers, family and other adults in their lives.

2️⃣ IMPROVED RELATIONSHIPS: Good communication skills can help children navigate the social world around them more effectively. Children who are able to communicate well are better able to understand & interpret the social cues and body language of others, which can help them build and maintain friendships, and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. Effective communication helps to build trust and understanding, leading to stronger and more positive relationships with others.

3️⃣ DEVELOP EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE & EMPATHY: Strong communication skills can help children develop empathy and emotional intelligence, as they learn to listen actively, understand others’ perspectives, and respond with care and understanding. This also leads to better decision-making & problem solving skills as it allows for the exchange of different viewpoints and ideas during the process of making a decision.

4️⃣ ACADEMIC & PROFESSIONAL BENEFITS: Children who are able to communicate effectively are better able to learn and retain information, and are more likely to perform well in school. They are also more likely to be confident and articulate in class discussions and presentations, which can help them better impress teachers and earn good grades. Strong communication can also give children an advantage when it comes to applying for jobs and pursuing higher education, as they are better equipped to articulate their skills & qualifications, and communicate effectively in professional settings.

5️⃣ IMPROVE MENTAL HEALTH: improving everyday communication skills for children is that it can have a positive impact on their mental and physical health. Children who are able to communicate well are less likely to feel isolated and alone, and are more likely to have positive relationships with others, which can help to promote good mental health. Furthermore, effective communication can also help children to cope with stress and difficult emotions, as they learn to express their feelings in a healthy and constructive way. On a physical level, good communication skills can also help children to advocate for their own health and wellbeing, and to understand and follow instructions from healthcare providers.

6️⃣ INCREASED PRODUCTIVTY: Effective communication allows for better collaboration and the ability to effectively convey ideas and instructions, resulting in increased productivity.

7️⃣ GENERAL HAPPINESS & SATISFACTION: Good communication skills can lead to better opportunities and advancement in life whether that be at school with leadership positions or in the workplace. This combined with increased social confidence usually leads to general happiness & satisfaction.

8️⃣ IMPROVED LEADERSHIP ABILITIES: Effective communication is essential for effective leadership, as it allows leaders to clearly convey their vision and goals to their team. This can be through a formal speech to an audience, in school or work meetings, or in everyday social communication settings.

When considering how you can help your child improve their communication skills, there are a few key strategies that parents and educators can use to support this process.

PRACTICE: provide children with plenty of opportunities to practice their communication skills. This can include activities such as conversation, role-playing, and storytelling, which can help children to develop their vocabulary, grammar, and overall language skills. It can also include activities that encourage children to listen actively and empathise with others, such as sharing stories and experiences, and discussing emotions and perspectives.

ENCOURAGEMENT: positive reinforcement and encouragement is essential to give children when they communicate effectively. This may include praising them for using good vocabulary, asking thoughtful questions, and expressing themselves clearly. It can also include providing feedback and guidance when needed, such as suggesting alternative ways to express their thoughts and feelings or modelling alternative options yourself. By providing this support and encouragement, parents and educators can help children build their confidence and to feel more comfortable and willing to communicate with others.

Investing in children’s communication skills is an important part of future proofing their growth and success. At Super Speak, our award winning program teaches children aged 6-14 public speaking & presentation skills. Our fun learning program incorporates both public speaking & drama to ensure our students gain broader learning outcomes to help them in and out of the classroom. We have a teaching team with unmatched experienced and the most comprehensive curriculum in Australia. Our methods & curriculum is founded on centuries old speech & drama techniques and practices, ensuring your child will learn the very best & broadest range of communication & public speaking skills available. We teach our classes in a style that is fun, supportive & high energy! Our students learn to be more confident & capable public speakers & everyday communicators for life. Check out Super Speak Public Speaking Program.